The School Day
- School opens 8.30am
- Children may arrive from 8.30 onwards
- School starts with Registration 8.45am
- Break 10.30am – 10.45am
- Lunch 12.00pm
- Afternoon Registration 1.00pm
- Home time 3.15pm
- Total daily opening hours 6 hours and 45 minutes
- Total weekly opening hours 33 hours and 45 minutes
End of school Recommended times for curriculum coverage are;
- Key stage 1 = 21 hours
- Key Stage 2 = 23.5 hours
Classroom staff supervise children before/after school and during playtime, and midday supervisors at lunchtimes.
195 days are included in the school calendar. School is open to pupils for 187 days, with the remaining eight days to be taken as ‘In-service’ training days for staff. The terms dates calendars are available on our website.